Monday, March 21, 2011

Building Blocks: Calvinism Overview

Systemic theology is a basically a set of assumptions that people bring to the Bible.  These assumptions alter how they read and understand passages of the Bible.  Everyone has these assumptions, whether they admit it or not.  Learning to recognize your assumptions and defend your assumptions is key to Biblical understanding.  In some instances, the most profound movements of the Holy Spirit involve changes in these assumptions.

Calvinism is probably a misnomer.  The views that are labeled Calvinism are more accurately attributed as far back as Augustine.  When Luther was asked what to call his theology, he suggested that it be called the Pauline Way, just don't name it after him....   Luther and Calvin share much in common although there are small differences.  Many Calvinists would say that the word Calvinist used as an adjective should substituted with the word Biblical, and Troll would certainly agree, although this is certainly a position of the orthodox reformation corner.  Calvinism that we abbreviate today with the acronym TULIP is an evolution of Calvin's points and represent a small summary of the some of the key points.

Total Depravity is a nice phrase that means original sin.
Unconditional election is a phrase that means that grace not works justify.
Limited atonement is a phrase that means that the resurrection was 100% efficacious for a limited number of people.
Irresistible grace is a phrase that means that the Holy Spirit will win over free will.
Perseverance of the saints is a phrase that means that the truly elect cannot undo their election.

In the next few posts, I will go through each of these ideas in detail, offering Biblical references for support of each idea.  Questions will be answered by way of revision of the original post.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Short and sweet! Great summation! Looking forward to keeping up this time!

