Thursday, November 7, 2013


I received this message this morning. Please bear with me as I set up my reply.
The dream was brief but this is what I believe the Lord wants me to tell you.
In your recent past there has been a disconnect about something the Lord may have spoken to you, [Troll.]  He has sent people to you but when they arrive you are not hearing them or recognizing the need/assignment because of the disconnect.  I believe you are called to be a bell ringer,a la John Knox and that [your wife] is somehow involved as well; that this bell ringing will be done in public, not just in study.  Possibly opening your home?
I would suggest praying into this message and seeing if something's missing.
Hope this is confirming with you, if any questions please let me know!

Before my reformed friends start snarking at this, remember that many people have an unshakeable belief in the continuation of certain spiritual gifts. We must begin with the paradigm that cessationism is wrong, and even the more preferred model of gifts centering around moments of specific divine intervention (Christ’s earthly ministry, for example) must be suspended for a moment. This conversation is within the world of continuation, and let’s hold to that paradigm for now. My response may then be in kind with this particular piece of advice. 

In what about my recent past has there been any disconnect? Let’s focus on some life events of mine for a moment. I felt very strongly that the church was sick and much of what passes for teaching is as Biblical as, well, any typical Sunday “message” from a host of tele-evangelists. I discussed this with a variety of priests, pastors and friends from a large cross section of the American Christian landscape, from Roman Catholic to Pentecostal, from Lutheran to Episcopal, from Baptist to Presbyterian. The resounding retort that I received from all was to do something about it. But first and foremost, and this is important, I should go get trained. It cannot be other than a God moment that three different priests and pastors suggested the same seminary with no foreknowledge of what the others had said. When the right change of job that enabled me to attend seminary suddenly arises at the same time, how can it be said that I did not listen to God and my belief in this effectual calling when I retired from the clinical practice of medicine, took this job and matriculated at Fuller Theological Seminary?

So, if not these people, who I know well and trust, whom I believe are Godly men despite my theological differences with them, then who? To whom have I failed to listen? I have been faithful to this mission and I am continuing forward on this path even now.

For the next part, the issue rises of being a bell ringer of the sort as John Knox. Knox was an uncompromising man if there ever was one. He spent as much of his time serving the English throne in jail as not due to his unwillingness to compromise on doctrinal issues. While I hope that I have not been wished to be incarcerated under penalty of death, it is still a compliment of sorts to be compared thusly. 

But it must be stated plainly that I while I might be the most theologically reformed and consistent person in this room of friends, that does not mean that I am yet qualified to beat any drums or ring any bells in public, anything more public than a blog that has limited readership and justifiably limited authority. The act of preaching and teaching is the primary tool by which the gospel is spread. The public arena for this action, the pulpit, requires a particular education and training. Any who seek to skip a step and teach prior to attaining this training would do well to heed Paul’s warnings to teachers. The world is full of false gospels, some coming unfortunately from the pulpits of our churches. I have remained on task and on assignment to combat this problem. But, I will not go out of step. 

When and if my wife is involved in my future ministry, she will graciously defer to me as she does now in medical matters. It is amazing that so many believe that because she is married to a physician, and even was a first assistant to a surgeon, that she is as knowledgeable of medicine as the physician. That is very unfair to her, and not entirely wise on the part of the person asking her medical advice. Similarly, the wife of a priest or pastor is also not the theological or doctrinal expert. Nor is she the back door to the ear of the priest or pastor for complaints. This is as unfair and unwise as it was to the physician’s wife. My wife will be supportive and helpful in every way that she can be when the time comes, I’m sure.

As to the opening of my home, if this is an invitation for me to host a Bible study, where we actually read and discuss the Bible, then I’ve been open to this idea for quite some time with no takers, at least none who are willing to commit to the course. I would love to plow through Romans with people who are willing to read and learn. That group, alas, has not yet presented itself to me.

As to prayer, I will say only this. I use the acronym ACTS for prayer as I find it sets the priorities in order. I have stated many times that I feel that supplications are not my strong suit as I have already received Christ and what more could I ask to receive beyond that? There is no room in my prayer for anything as mundane as this topic. God has spoken loudly to me through the actions, words and circumstances that I have experienced. There is no disconnect today or at any time in the last two years of this journey.


1 comment:

  1. This is very well stated. Thank you for walking through this response publicly, as it exemplifies scriptural wisdom about understanding and following God's will.
